Historical Background of IBBS
The first step was unofficial. In March 1911, at the inaugural meeting of the Midland Counties Section of the Guild, Walter Finch was appointed Chairman.
Always a firm supporter of a Benevolent Fund, he suggested that a scheme should be started. This was approved and at the close of the meeting, a hat was passed round for donations. From such a beginning...
The official Inauguration dates from the Guild AGM held in January 1912, when it was resolved:-
“That a Benevolent Fund be formed and a Committee comprising members from all branches be elected for the Management of same. This Fund to be raised by donations from members at the ordinary meetings, any outside contributions that may be received and a sum of money from each branch at the end of each year from their funds, the amount to be not less than 5/3 per member.”
Download the History outlining the beginnings of the Society 1911-1929